If you’re like me, reading up online to learn about how to build products and startups (Paul Graham essays, VC blogs, Tweetstorms, etc.), congratulations, you’ve discovered HALF of the Internet!

Yeah, that’s what you’re doing if you ONLY read in English, isn’t it?

Lucky for me, I can read in Chinese, and I do.

China, well, I don’t have to tell you how the Chinese tech ecosystem is a different beast. In my opinion, there’s more to learn from Chinese companies if you want to build a company in developing economies (I’m based in Southeast Asia).

Lucky for you, I translate and share the best articles I find from the Chinese Internet here.

My current reading interests are (in that order):

  • product management

  • growth

  • strategy

  • venture capital

If these are for you, subscribe!

What do you get as a subscriber?

  • Weekly newsletters on lessons shared by Chinese entrepreneurs on building products & companies.

  • My labor of love translating them and making them more digestible by adding context, trimming for brevity, and making them more relatable.

  • A direct line with me to request what you’re interested to find out about.

I’m optimizing for quality content reaching more people so the world will have more inspired individuals making stuff.

If you find value in what I’m sharing, please tell your friends!

Subscribe to China Playbook

Translation of the best product & company building advice shared by successful Chinese Internet entrepreneurs.


As I learn about building products & startups, I share the best stuff I find on Chinese Internet. | LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tao-h/ |Twitter: @tao_h24